Friday, April 20, 2012


     What exactly is responsibility? Responsibility is knowing what one is accounted for, in other words responsible for. If a being has to come up with excuses on why something was not his/her fault, chances are that person is irresponsible. Also, it is the other persons responibility to to let the other person know how IRRESPONSIBLE they were.
     Once when I was younger i was told that i was responsible for whatever happens to the house while they my parents were gone. But, What deemed them the right to give me that responsibility at that young age? So is held accountable for anything that happens me because i was deemed responsible or my parents since it is their house?

     I believe it is held on the parents because they if I am responsible for someone else crashing MY car then THEY are responsible for someone destroying THEIR house. Though I am their child i should not be held responsible since it  is not mine. As they would say "I do not pay the bills, so its not my house". so if i am held responsible for someone else destroying my property they are responsible for someone else destroying theirs... Its only fair?

Sunday, April 15, 2012


     There are a ton of ways people have explored over the years. One of the most famous of course being Christopher Columbus while of course it was an accident. Another exploration of the unknown over the years is Thomas Edison while exploring new idea in science it was not exactly physical. It was more exploration in the mental field.
     People have devoted themselves to exploration because for one humans have a natural right to curiosity. other then that we just need to advance ourselves. 
     Some sacrifices were with families. Like, the explorer spent so much time on what they were exploring then their families have to move on. Or they even make physical sacrifices suck as death or even an ear.